Friday 24 January 2014

Guardian Education Centre: primary school workshops

Primary newspaper workshops are designed to complement the teaching of the curriculum across a variety of su
All activities are designed to complement the teaching of the curriculum across a variety of sEducation Centre - Primary workshop
Primary students at a workshop in the Education ubjects. We welcome groups and individuals with special needs. The offices and teaching areas are accessible to wheelchair users and the mobility impaired.
All primary school workshops are free of charge. Full day workshops run from 10am-2.30pm and two hour after school workshops can start from 3.15pm. We can accommodate up to 30 pupils unless otherwise stated. Sessions are taught by experienced CRB checked te          

Outdoor learning: teaching students in outside classrooms

Want to take lessons outside? From treetop classrooms to yurts, here are some great ideas for outdoor learningYurt Teaching lessons in a yurt was one school's creative idea for outdoor learning. Photograph: Cultura/Floresco Productions/Getty Images         


  • Why is Guardian Students doing an employability section?
    Editors blog: We know students are worried about finding a job - so we're focusing on how you can use your time at uni to make sure you're employed when you leave

  • Thursday 23 January 2014

    Invasive species: can they be stopped?

    Britain is lagging behind world leaders in controlling invasive species. What can be done to hold back the marching organisms that destroy biodiversity and cause £1.7bn of economic damage each year? With your help, Karl Mathiesen investigates

    Saturday 18 January 2014

    Tetris is back - for the PS4 and Xbox One

    Publisher Ubisoft is bringing the 30-year-old game to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. BDuring the summer of 1992, between my first and second years at university, I was working at a video game studio in Leamington Spa. We were supposed to be coding a game called Tank Commander for the PC, a long forgotten battle simulation – but one day someone brought in a Game Link cable, which allowed the connection of two Nintendo Game Boy consoles together. Of course, we immediately loaded up the Tetris competitive mode, in which any lines you cleared on your own screen would be cruelly transferred on to the bottom of your opponent's stack. Work ground to a halt and didn't really start up again for several days.ut can the original be improved?